Photo credit: David Olimpio.
oh, man, i never bothered to maintain this page.
Coming up!
September 19th: I'll be in conversation with A.M. Homes for the much-anticipated paperback release of her wonderful new novel, THE UNFOLDING. Greenlight Bookstore, Brooklyn 7:30 pm https://www.greenlightbookstore.com/event/am-homes-sara-lippmann
September 23rd: I'll be at Barrelhouse's Conversations and Connections conference hosted by Temple University. Featured author panel and reading, 2:15 pm , Philadelphia Register: https://www.barrelhousemag.com/shop/p/registration-september-23-2023-conversations-and-connections-conference-in-philadelphia-pa
October 25th: I'll be in conversation with Melissa Kirsch and Peter Orner discussing memory, time, the conflation of time, etc. Powerhouse Arena, Brooklyn 7 pm https://powerhousearena.com/events/past-continuous-peter-orner-and-sara-lippmann-in-conversation-with-melissa-kirsch/